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Minitab 16 Product Key

[6/03/14] New license key for Minitab: If you have installed Minitab on your own Windows computer, Minitab will before March 1 need a new license file. The license file is called 'minitab_17.0.lic' and can be downloaded from under Minitab and saved to your computer (the default place to save is 'c:\program files (x86)\minitab'). If Minitab at start-up does not find this new lisence file it will ask you where you saved the file, and then you just navigate to where you saved the file. If you experience problems with this please contact the Orakel Support Services: or telephone 91500. If you are running MINITAB by remote desktop to cauchy the new license is already installed, and will also be installed at Fraggle.

Regarding the high expectation of the customers for the safety and quality of the food products, precise, rapid, and targeted determinations of the properties of food products are of crucial significance [3,4]. In the case of potatoes, evaluation of the quality after harvest and sorting is highly important for presenting a reliable and marketable product as the ripening and quality of potatoes are not uniform in the harvesting step [5].

The quality of raw potato is first assessed based on its appearance (size, shape, color, and tuber state); however, the quality of this product can be generally determined by assessing the quality of the final product. Potato is subjected to various phenomena during storage, cooking, or processing that can affect its final quality [8]. Cultivar, physical and chemical compounds, and storage conditions of potato (after harvest) can influence the cooking features and final product of the potato [9].

Several indices have been proposed for the evaluation of the quality of potatoes during their cultivation and storage. Soluble solid content (SSC) is a key index in the quality of the potato as it is directly associated with its nutritional value and taste [10]. Solid substances usually contain sugar, acids, vitamins, and minerals with a critical role in the potato taste [11]. Nevertheless, the SSC distribution on the product differs depending on the growth environment conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light, which may result in nonuniform quality [12].

Vis-NIR spectroscopic techniques are widely used as alternative potato quality monitoring techniques as they are non-destructive, efficient, rapid, precise, low-cost, and non-contaminating with no need for sample preparation [16]. This technology relies on the absorption of radiation in the Vis-NIR region. NIR spectroscopy has been used for quality control of food and agricultural products [17,18,19], such as citrus fruit and mango [20], tomatoes [21,22] and winter wheat leaf [23], also beverages [24]. An electronic nose (E-nose) can also play a decisive role in the quality determination of the agricultural product [25]. This device employs a different approach to classify and determine the quality of the products [26,27], through detection of odor and volatile compounds [28,29].

Similar to pH measurement, conventional methods of SSC measurement are often destructive and time-consuming. E-nose and spectroscopic methods are capable of assessing the quality features of food products in a fast and non-destructive manner [9]. Multivariable statistical analysis methods can also be utilized for the prediction and determination of chemical compounds within food samples [30].

The average SSC (in terms of Brix index) and pH values are compared and presented in Table 2 and Figure 4, respectively. According to the SSC results, the post-harvest SSC of the potato sample increased over time after harvesting due to the hydrolysis of starch (the main compound in potato tubers) as a result of the respiration of the product, which turned starch into sugar [54]. In addition to the starch decomposition, the loss of product moisture can also increase the potato SSC [55]. A study on potato compounds stated a decline in the sugar content of potatoes during the storage period [56]. This discrepancy can be assigned to the difference in the cultivars as well as the harvest time of the product. Regarding acidity, the pH variations rose during the storage period, such that the pH value increased slightly during the storage period. At the time of harvesting, the pH of potatoes was somewhat lower than the storage period. These results were consistent with the findings of Paik [57]. The pH values were also consistent with the reports of José Carlos Feltran et al. [58] who measured the pH of 20 different potato cultivars and reported no significant difference in the pH of different potato cultivars.

Colitis associated cancer (CAC) is the colorectal cancer (CRC)subtype that is associated with bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis(UC). The data on role of NF-[kappa]B signaling in development andprogression of CAC were derived from preclinical studies, whereas data fromhuman are rare. The aim of this work was to study the contribution ofNF-[kappa]B pathway during UC and CAC, as well as the immunomodulatory effectof all-trans retinoic acid (AtRA). We analyzed the expression of NOS2,TNF-[alpha], TLR4, and NF-/[kappa]B, in colonic mucosa. We also studiedNO/TNF-[alpha] modulation by LPS in colonic mucosa pretreated with AtRA. Amarked increase in TLR4, NF-[kappa]B, TNF-[alpha], and NOS2 expression wasreported in colonic mucosa. The relationship between LPS/TLR4 andTNF-[alpha]/NO production, as well as the role of NF-[kappa]B signaling, wasconfirmed by ex vivo experiments and the role of LPS/TLR4 in NOS2/TNF-[alpha]induction through NF-[kappa]B pathway was suggested. AtRA downregulates NOS2and TNF-[alpha] expression. Collectively, our study indicates that AtRAmodulates in situ LPS/TLR4/NF-[kappa]B signaling pathway targeting NOS2 andTNF-[alpha] expression. Therefore, we suggest that AtRA has a potential valuein new strategies to improve the current therapy, as well as in the clinicalprevention of CAC development and progression.

Proinflammatory mediators and cytokines such as nitric oxide (NO)and TNF-[alpha] play important roles in regulating inflammatory response.Generation and secretion of a high NO concentration by infiltrating cells andresident activated macrophages may lead to perpetuation of local tissuedamage [21, 22]. The inducible NOS (iNOS) is expressed following stimulationwith lipopolysaccharide and/or inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-[alpha][22-24]. The activation of iNOS leads to prolonged production of NO in high,potentially cytotoxic concentrations [25]. In our previous studies, wereported that chronic UC is characterized by overexpression of iNOS with highlevels of NO generation by PBMC and colonic mucosa stimulated withIFN-[gamma] or IL-17A and correlates with histological damage [10, 11]. ThusiNOS generated NO maygive the cell a double hitbyboth damaging the DNA andinhibiting its repair processes. This effect of NO and its by-products maymake NO one of the pivotal mediators linking inflammation to carcinogenesis[25]. These observations suggest that iNOS may also play a fundamental rolein the enhancement of colon cancers risk in IBD patients, as well as inpromotion/progression of cancers arising within abackground of inflammation[26]. However, the data on role of TLR4/NF-[kappa]B signaling inTNF-[alpha]/iNOS induction in UC-associated carcinogenesis are still notfully understood and derived from preclinical studies, whereas data fromhuman CAC are rare.

AtRA has been shown to exert immunomodulatory andanti-inflammatory functions in various cell types [36-38]. In our previousstudies, we reported that AtRA inhibited the NO production in proinflammatorycytokines stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and monocytesfrom IBD and Alzheimer disease patients [11, 39]. Furthermore, retinoids areknown to affect signaling pathways frequently altered which result in thedevelopment and progression of CRC [32]. In this sense, understanding thepathway involved in cancer-related inflammation and targeting transcriptionfactors such as NF-[kappa]B has attracted our attention. In this way, weinvestigate the contribution of TLR4/NF-[kappa]B pathway in UC and CACAlgerian patients, as well as the effect of AtRA on TNF-[alpha] and NOS2expression.

2.3. Colonic Biopsies and Culture. Multiple colonic biopsies weretaken from patients who underwent colonoscopy in the Department ofGastroenterology, Maillot Hospital (Algiers, Algeria), Anatomic PathologyService, Mustapha Pacha (Algiers, Algeria), and Service of Oncology, PublicHospital Rouiba, (Algiers, Algeria). Our study included biopsies frominflamed mucosa of patients with UC in active stage (n = 12) and with CAC (n= 6). Biopsies from normal mucosa (n = 6) were also used as negativecontrols. Colonic biopsies were immediately placed in the transport mediumHanks' balanced salts solution, pH 7.4, supplemented with antibiotics.Cultures of colonic mucosa were pretreated with alltrans retinoic acid (AtRA)at [10.sup.-7] M for 6 h and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10[micro]g/mL). To confirm the engagement of NF-[kappa]B signaling pathway onTNF-[alpha] and NO production, colonic biopsies were stimulated with LPS (10[micro]g/mL) and SN50, an inhibitor peptide of NF-[kappa]B, AP-1, and STATpathways (50 [micro]M/mL). The cultures were incubated at 37[degrees]C in anatmosphere of 5% C[O.sub.2] up to 24 hours. Supernatants were then collectedfor NO (nitrite) and TNF-[alpha] measurement. The estimation of total proteinper well was performed using Bradford method and nitrite or TNF-[alpha]contents of each well were expressed as [micro]M/mg or pg/mL of totalprotein, respectively [40]. 2ff7e9595c

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