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Homeopathic Book In Hindi 213


There are three broad uses of homeopathy for COVID 45. Actually, zero. Humor me here. But amongst homeopathic weaponry are for such diverse elements as prevention, vaccination, treatment, and long COVID.

homeopathic book in hindi 213

Since the prior plausibility that homeopathic therapies will do anything is exactly zero, we understand that any positive homeopathic study is a false positive. Why waste time on the studies? Because it can be fun to point at homeopathy and laugh. And no matter how implausible an NRLM study, someone in reality-based medicine, as we will see, will be snookered into touting it. Same as it ever was.

I am always amazed are the specificity of homeopathic symptoms. What if the cough is worse at 11:59 p.m.? And if you are standing at a time zone line and jump across at the strike of midnight. Would that change the treatment?

That symptom complex is not like any COVID 45 I have taken care of. So often NLRM providers complain the real doctors only treat symptoms, not the underlying cause of dis-ease. But homeopathy is all about the symptoms, ignoring the underlying pathophysiology completely. COVID is too new for any homeopathic provings specific to that illness. So they can ignore COVID and just go after symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies in COVID-19: Prognostic Factor Research. It was open label, multi-centric, outpatient, observational study aka designed to be completely useless for any conclusions. Twenty-seven different homeopathic nostrums were given and, in a disease where most people get better, most people got better. They credited the homeopathy:

They are also trying nosodes for COVID. We have vaccines that are safe and effective and instead they are testing the homeopathic, well, not equivalent. I always wonder how NLRM studies make it through ethics committees and I would love to read the informed consent. But then I have always been a fan of science fiction and comics.

And there is homeopathic immunotherapy for COVID: dilute the convalescent serum from COVID patients and inject it in the ill. Really. Convalescent serum was tried early in the COVID epidemic and was not effective. Diluting the serum is unlikely to improve its efficacy.

Forty homeopathic medicines were prescribed for the patients. Of these, Arsenicum album was prescribed to 9.93% patients (n = 15), Bryonia alba and Phosphorus were to 7.94% (n = 12) patients each; Rhus toxicodendron to 6.62% (n = 10); Natrum muriaticum (n = 9, 5.96%); Hepar sulphuricum & Pulsatilla nigricans (n = 7, 4.63% each); Lycopodium clavatum & Nux vomica (n = 6, 3.97% each); Belladonna, Carbo vegetabilis, Chininum arsenicum, Gelsemium (n = 5, 3.31% each). At first prescription 44.37% (n = 67) of patients received 30C potency, 47.68% (n = 72) received 200C potency and the remaining 7.94% (n = 12) received higher potency. Of all, 63% (n = 96) patients received one homeopathic medicine only, while 36.42% (n = 55) patients required two or more homeopathic medicines during the study period.

A major limitation of the current study is the fact that because of the large number of COVID-19 patients at the hospital, follow-up laboratory tests could not always be performed because of a resource crunch. Further, restricted access to patients because of the high transmissibility of COVID-19 limits the number of homeopathic prescriptions, since various patient attributes and disease characteristics need to be known when selecting these medications.

The treatment of COVID with homeopathy did result in the funniest line in the medical literature, also the saddest. From Adjunctive homeopathic treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (COVIHOM): A retrospective case series I give you

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